Consumer court portal. Helpline number

If customers can’t find it, it doesn’t exist. Clearly list and describe the services you offer. Also, be sure to showcase a premium service.
Registered users can lodge a complaint online with the National Consumer Helpline portal of Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
National Consumer Helpline. Department of Consumer Affairs deals with creating awareness, advising and redressing consumer grievances.
A consumer aggrieved with the goods and services or deficiency in services can lodge consumer complaint online for online complaints
As per this Act, the consumer can file a formal complaint on the merchant or a service provider in the consumer court.
Customers have questions, you have answers. Display the most frequently asked questions, so everybody benefits.
To protect consumer on legal terms, Court of Law Consumer Court has laid down certain acts to protect the consumers on legal grounds. This Legal.
Provided that the State Government may, if it deems fit, establish more than one District Forum in a district. a Consumer Dispute
complaints are filed in these forums in accordance with the pecuniary limit as fixed by the law. • District Consumer Disputes Redressal Forum.